Monday, October 15, 2012

I only have a week left!!! Now it seems like just yesterday I was at the ENT and we were talking about going silent for a month. And now I'm just getting nervous about the end of next week when we go back and find out if the lesion is gone. If it isn't, then we're going to have to look into surgery. After surgery I would have an even longer period of silence, so we all have our fingers crossed that it's gone and I can go back to normal life. However, I suppose it'll still be difficult because even after this is over. I'm going to have to be more careful with my voice. If this whole experience has taught me anything, it's that it's better to be extra careful rather than just assume nothing will happen. Looking back on old videos or recordings, I can hear the stress in my voice that would be on any average 14 year olds. I'm singing, yelling, groaning, and never being attentive to what is going on in my vocal chords. I know that after this I'll be a lot more careful, and if I'm lucky the lesion will be gone and I'll get the chance to go back to normal life but with a certain mental filter that will protect me.

The most difficult thing lately has been my school work. I've been learning a lot of self-restraint because it's really tempting to go on facebook or watch a show when I'm supposed to be doing homework or cleaning my room. Without teachers to keep you on track and supervise your every move, it's hard to stay on schedule. But in less than a week I'll be back in school with structured learning and other people to interact with! Until then I'll keep a workin and hope for the best when I get a scope next week.

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